During Scotland's turbulent history; they have face countless attacks and invasion by the English, but the Scottish clans on many accounts fought against one another. Some Scottish feuds can last for several years, but some feuds lasted for several centuries. The feuds happen because one clan (correctly or incorrectly) perceives to have been attack, insulted or even wronged by another clan. Intense feelings of resentment, which will trigger a response by the other clan with aggrieved and vengeful. At times, when the feuds occur, Clans will ally themselves with other clans with the same enemies or some times the clan will have a strong bond between another clan in which they will help each other during their feuds. The following list will contain the clan's allies and then their feuds.
Clan Muir's Allies
Clan Gordon
Clan Muir is a close ally to Clan Gordon. The following statement is made by Clan Gordon about the Moirs " The Moirs had always been told that their people were Scottish and from Caithness and part of Clan Gordon. This belief is true, the Moir family is a sept of clan Gordon as they married into the Gordon clan, a number of times in the past. Whilst they are related and part of clan Gordon, they have their own crest and chieftain but remain as stalwarts ( Stalwarts- loyal, reliable and hardworking supporters " allies") of the clan. The main homelands of the Moir family were between Aberdeen and Glasgow, Otterbourne, Abergeldie, Invernettie, Scotstown, Stoneywood and Hilton. Also Gordon inhabited areas. Caithness in older times was most of northern Scotland and these Moirs may have been part of the Sutherland Gordons in the North but the Moirs like most families were widespread but held large tracts of land in Aberdeenshire .”If these Moirs were from Caithness, then it is most likely that they came from areas like Loch More, and Ben More. One thing about these highlands & Aberdeen Moirs is that they are extremely close allies of Clan Gordon.
Clan LeslieThe Laurus Leslaeana (1692) states that the third successor to Bartholomew, married around 1250 to Catherine Mure, heiress of Tasseis ( taces) of Fife, which would be the earliest connection between the Mures and Leslie clans. Ever since we helped the Leslies to fight in battles and in their feuds.
Clan Stewart
The Stewarts and the Mures have a strong, and tight relationship between the two clans. The first connections between these two clans; is when Elizabeth Muir who married the king, Robert II of Scotland, in which they produce the Royal Stewarts line. In another account, it is believe that the Mures of Rowallan support the Stewarts of Darnely at the battle of Craignaught Hill, which eventually lead to the feud of the Mures of Rowallan and Clan Boyd. The Mures of Auchendrane, Cloncaird, Stewarts of Ochiltree and Dunduff against the clan Kennedy and Fergusson.
Clan DouglasSir Adam Muir had two younger sons, Alexander and Rankine, were steady adherents of the Douglases. Rankine, the youngest son, was "commonlie called of Abercorn," says the 'Historie,' "not that he had these lands in heritage, for that doth never appear by historie nor evident that ever come to my hands, notwithstanding of the common tradition thairanent, being established thair as bailiffe and a chief officer under his lord, the earle of Duglass, having charge of his men thair in all his noble atchiefements." He "rose to no mean respect, place, and power, and is said to have attained to large possessions in Stirlingshire within Abercorn, the Carses Calder and other places adjacent where he also settled divers of his surname and friends." He was an active and stirring adversary of Sir Alexander Livingstone of Calender, guardian of the young king, James II., one of the principal enemies of the earl of Douglas. Rankine's grandson long held out the castle of Abercorn for the Douglases, and was slain when it was stormed, and the power of that great family overthrown. Another account was Kenneth Moir who went on crusade with a Douglas, to bring King Robert the Bruce's Heart to Jerusalem but never made it. They were detour to Spain to help the king of Spain to fight the Muslims at the battle of Teba. Unfortunately all the knights were killed except for Kenneth Moir who ended up bring back the heart and his fallen comrade back to Scotland.
Clan WallaceClan Muir during the Scottish independence war against Edward's army joined forces with Clan Wallace, and have been a close ally. The Mures were also a close allies to Clan Wallace. The Mures of Cloncaird has intermarried with the Wallaces of Dulloris. The Mures of Rowallan has also intermarried with the Wallace clan.
Clan Boyd
Both the Mures of Rowallan and Polkelly had a special bond with Clan Boyd. Both of these clans fought side by side in battles, and sometime would come to the aid when one of these clans were feuding. In one instance, a Margaret Boyd had married John Muir of Rowallan to end a feud between the lord of Rowallan and the laird of Craufurdland. In a feud between the Mures and Clan Cunningham states " There is Patrick Boyde, a brother to the laird of Rowallan and twenty six of his men, taking part of a raid upon the Cunninghams of Cuninghamehead. The Mures of Rowallan and Boyds fought on the same side at the battle of Glasgow Muir.
Clan AgnewThe Muirs of South Ayrshire and in Galloway, supported and ally themselves with clan Agnews against Clan Kennedies at the battle of Brockloch Burn. The Mores continue to fight and served Agnew in Wigtiown.
Clan GrantThe Mores of Drmcork has played a vital role as allies to clan Grant. These Mores served Clan Grant during war time and during feuds. These Mores also held and defend Loch an Eilein Castle.
Clan MontgomeryMure of Caldwell with overwhelming of debt; married Mongomery's duagther to relieved him from the incumbrance but at the expense of a Bond of by which the Laird bound himself to be the Earl's man and to render military service as long as the sum lent remained unpaid a condition simply involved him still more deeply in the Montgomeiy Cunningham feud. Battles: Battle of Sauchieburn (1488), Battle of Kerelaw (1488) Auchenharvie (1526), Waterstoun (1528) Eglinton and (1528), Aiket (1586).
Clan CampbellThere are however two instances of a Campbell connection on which, presumably, the attribution is based. James Mure Campbell, who succeeded his cousin as 5th Earl of Loudoun in 1782 had added the name Mure to his own on succeeding to the estates of Rowallan. These he inherited through his mother who was the daughter of David Earl of Glasgow and Jean Mure, heiress of Rowallan. Members of the same family had been among the Presbyterian lowlanders imported into Kintyre the previous century by the Marquess of Argyll in order to ensure the payment of rent from his estates there and from the later 1600s onwards, the name figures among the Earl’s tenants in Kintyre. This Lowland family ( The Mures of Rowallan) was originally from Ayrshire/ Renfrewshire area, having been brought with other yeoman families to the Campeltown region of Kintyre, to assist in calming the clan feuds.
In 1650, Mure received in tack an eight merk land “ piece of land” from the Marquis of Argyll.
The first mention and association between clan Campbell and Clan Muir. He moved with his wife, his brother Robert and his three sons to the Kintyre peninsula. There he became part of the general strategy of the Campbells to supplant the Macdonalds in the area. The Mures were given the lands in the Campbelltown area. Alexander Mure continue to fight along side with clan Campbell and was eventually killed in Ireland in 1657. All the male line of the Mures in the Kintyre area, where they all served with the Campbells in both Scotland and Ireland. The Mure of Kintyre maintain a relationships with the Ayrshire families which includes: Muir of Rowallan and Caldwell, Campbells of Louden, Dunlops of that Ilk, and the Wallaces of Craigie. William Mure of Kildavie rose with the Earl in 1685 against James II. Mure of Kildavie was arrested by the Earl of Atholl and banished with his family to Ireland. His son, Charles Mure a Captain, fought on behalf of William III in 1689.
Clan LindsayOne of Clan Muir's Ally.
Clan Hamilton One of Clan Muir's Ally.
Clan Muir's Feuds
Clan Cumming
This feud's date was around 1220- 1286, Gilchrist Mure was dispossessed of the house and living at Rowallan by the strong hand of Sir Walter Cuming, and was compelled to keep close in his castle of Polkelly until the King Alexander III raised sufficient forces to subdue Cuming and his adherents. " The first of the Mures of Polkelly the historian of the Mures was Ranald kinsman of Sir Gilehrist More of Rowallan come from Ireland and aided him in his feuds with the Cumins as well as fighting under at the Largs where Sir Gilehrist credit for his prowess." There were several battles at Polkelly castle attack by the Cummings.
In the beginning of the reign of Alexander III., Sir Walter Cumyn took forcible possession of the house and living of Rowallan, "the owner thereof, Gilchrist More, being redacted for his safety to keep close in his castle of Pokellie."As some workmen were making a level for a quarry near the site we can hardly say ruins of the Castle of Polkelly they found an ancient spear head with some of the wood of the shaft still attached to it In form it is like one of the halberts as they are called which are usually carried by the town officers in front of the magistrates of our Scottish burghs and is unquestionably a very old specimen of the Scottish spear in the use of which Scotsmen were so famous in days of yore .
A quantity of bones were found at the same time but whether they were human bones or not we cannot say as they were not preserved. It is impossible to say how long this relique of the olden time has remained in the earth but that it had been lost in some stricken field there can be very little doubt. The neighbourhood of Polkelly and Rowallan must often have been the scene of broils and battles during the times in which the castles were held by the Cummins and the Mures and in some of these no doubt fell the follower of one or other of these houses who had handled the spear. During the reign of Alexander III when the powerful family of the Cummins lorded it over Scotland. Sir Walter Cummin took possession of Rowallan Castle by force and Gilchrist Mure the Baron of Rowallan was obliged for a time to seek safety in the Castle of Polkelly. It may have been in some of the skirmishes which this state of things would often bring about that the owner of the spear was slain or he may have been a follower of the famous Rud of Rowallane who in after times was head of the ancient house of Mure.
But enough of speculation on this ancient spear head. The Castle of Polkelly seems to have been extensive but hardly a stone of it now remains above the surface of the earth to speak of its form or its strength. Immediately behind however there is a level field which has obviously been the garden. The soil of it is particularly deep and rich. We have been informed that it never was known in the memory of man to be left lea but is cropped yearly with advantage. The lands of Polkelly are now the property of the Earl of Glasgow. The spear head has been sent to the museum of Anderson's University Glasgow.
Clan CunninghamDate: 3 November 3, 1508 or September 20, 1570- ? Result: Mure Victor. Cunningham wins Aikett lands and Mure lose Aikett. Can Mure of Polkelly victory against Cunningham over their rights regarding grazing. Clan Muir of Rowallan and Cunningham both were almost fully destroy. Mure disposed of Cuninghame of Cuninghamehead Clan branches involvement: Clan Mure of Pokelly, Caldwell and Rowallan. Cunningham of Aikett, Kilmarus, and Cuninghamehead.
"There is Patrick Boyde, a brother of the Laird of Rowallan, and twenty-six of his followers, who are there charged with taking part in a raid upon the Cuninghames of Cuninghamehead. Close by is another brother to Rowallan, indicted for oppression done to the Laird of Busby and one of his adherents, in the town of Stewarton. Their hereditary enemy, Cuninghame of Cuninghamehead, is waiting to account for his share in the strife and for a series of other offences against his neighbours." In the year 1554 by son John Mure knighted by James V .He married Jonet Kennedy of Bargany in Ayrshire by whom he had several sons. He was killed in the Cunningham and Eglinton feud September 10 1570 One of his letters to his kinsman Hugh third Earl of Eglinton has been preserved and partly printed in the Eglinton MSS.
Mure of Caldwell with overwhelming of debt; married Mongomery's duagther to relieved him from the incumbrance but at the expense of a Bond of by which the Laird bound himself to be the Earl's man and to render military service as long as the sum lent remained unpaid a condition simply involved him still more deeply in the Montgomeiy Cunningham feud. Battles: Battle of Sauchieburn (1488), Battle of Kerelaw (1488) Auchenharvie (1526), Waterstoun (1528) Eglinton and (1528), Aiket (1586). The Mures fought at the battle of Beith against the Cunninghams, and John Muir of Blacklaw was killed in Battle.
The preliminaries over, the Court proceeds to hear three different cases all arising from a feud between the Cuninghames and the Mures. Old opponents these, and destined to be opponents for many years still to come. In the first of the three, Patrick Boyde, in all probability one of the Boydes of Kilmarnock and connected by marriage with the family of Mure, is charged, in company with Neill Smyth, the tenant of Girdrum, and twenty-five others, with having come to the Kir...k of Stewarton in company with John Mure of Rowallan and there engaged in conflict with Cuninghame and his servants. The immediate cause of dispute seems to have been the office of parish clerk, the Mures, on the one hand, and the Cuninghames on the other, forcibly insisting on the appointment of their own nominees.
The Mures thus disposed of, Cuninghame of Cuninghamehead is called to the bar, first for engaging in the contest concerning the parish clerkship and, in addition, for other offences. Not only had he taken part in the fray, but, turning his attention homewards, he had set covetous eves upon a piece of land belonging to Lady Cuninghame. Apparently he seems to have been at variance with his relative concerning her right to the lands of Cuninghamehead, and to have thought that he had a right to share her possessions.
The preliminaries over the court proceeds to hear three different cases all arising from a feud between Clan Cunningham and Clan Muir. Old Opponents these, and destined to be opponents for many years still to come. In the first of the three, Patrick Boyde, in all probability was one of the Boydes of Kilmarnock and connected by marriage with the Mure family, is charged in company with Neill Smith, the tenant of Girdrum, and twenty five others, with having come to the Kirk of Stewarton in company with John Muir of Rowallan and there were engaged in conflict with the Cunningham and his servants. The immediate cause of dispute seems to have been the office of parish clerk, The Mures, on the one hand, and the Cunninghams on the other, focibly insisting on the appointment of their own nominees.
In the 16th century, the Ryeburns were caught up in a centuries long feud between the Cunninghams under the Earl of Glencairn, and the Mures, Sempills and Montgomeries lead by the Earl of Eglinton. The feud had started in 1448, when the king unwisely transferred the ballieship of Cunningham, long held by the Earls of Glencairn, to the Earl of Eglinton.
On November 4, 1570, William Cunningham of Aiket and two servants with John Ryeburn of that Ilk, his son in-law, were put on trail for the murder of Sir John Mure of Caldwell, when they pleaded that the deed was committed by the deceased, Alexander Cunningham of Aiket and they were unanimously acquitted. Muir of Caldwell whose father was slain by the Cunninghams in 1570 was acting as another of Giffen's cautioner's in 1591 and was charged with having his men in arms that year. Mure of Rowallan, himself may have been put off to close; an alliance with the Montgomeries because of his ill- feelings towards Lord Boyd with whom he had been at feud with and in fact a Muir of Thornton and a brother of either of Rowallan or Caldwell are listed as friends of Glencairn.
Clan KennedyDate: 1425-1600; Result Close Clan Muir victor; King's intervetion in feud. "If the Cassisslis Kennedys were turbulent, they were well matched by their neighbors on the other side of the Polnatibber burn, the Mures of Auchendrane. Auchendrane looked northwards spiritually towards Kyle, but their house stood on the Carrick side of the river Doon, giving them a toehold in the Kennedy kingdom which added edge to the feud between the two families." "Soon the Mures, a branch of the Rowallan family, took hold of Auchendrane, and for two centuries Mures and Kennedys faced one another across the Polnatibber burn. Monklands, lying between the two great houses, was at times as hotly contested as any part of the Anglo-Scottish Border." Known Battles between these clan. Clan Fergusson Joined with the Kennedies during their civil war.
1525- James Mure in Ballochtoyll and others in their part of the slaughter of Martin Kennedy of Lochland.
Ladycross SkirmishThe Cassillis Kennedy's murdered Kennedy of Bargany in a skirmish at Ladycross in 1601. John Mure of Auchendrane, who was present at the Ladycross skirmish, took revenge for his friend Bargany's death by arranging the murder of Cassillis' uncle, Sir Thomas Kennedy of Culzean. At this time my Lord rode to London [King James VI being there, now King James I of England] and left his retainers with my Lady his wife and the Master.
The Master. The Master and the retainers were daily pursuing Auchendrayne. And there being a tryst between the sons of Cloncaird and John Kennedy of Creich at which Auchendrayne should have been, the Master and my Lord's entire household came and lay in wait. But Auchendrayne suspecting a plot did not attend and asked the others to come to him instead. At seeing this they followed and besieged Auchendrayne's house. Auchendrayne's few defenders fired blanks to disperse the attackers and chased them through the woods to the Ash Wood Dykes where they hurt some of the Earl's horses and one of the Earl's retainers was shot through the doublet and his horse in the head, but was not killed.
Ambush at Nisbett's YardOn 1st January 1597 the Laird of Culzean being in the house of Sir Thomas Nisbett [a border family] at supper, and his servants having gone past his own house of Maybole, through the said Sir Thomas' yard, the Lairds of Auchendrayne and Dunduff and some of their servants accompanied the servant Alexander Kennedy to the Laird of Bargany, and David Moor his servant and lay in wait for him in Nisbett's yard, and the night being dark they discharged some pistolet shots at him. He fled and they chased him through the streets of Maybole to the house of Matthew Macgowan, Merchant; here he escaped between two houses.
Having escaped he pursued the Lairds of Auchendrayne and Dunduff before the Council. The Laird of Auchendrayne and his and the Laird of Bargany's servants were brought to the horn. Yet that was not enough for they bore a great feud against him as they did the Laird of Auchendrayne. The Laird of Culzean took the house of the Laird of Auchendrayne and ransacked it, the furniture and the outbuildings. Also they made many attempts to get [Auchendrayne] himself but God preserved him from their tyranny.
2nd Ambush near MayboleHaving taken this precaution, he proceeded to instigate the brother of the slain Gilbert of Barganie, Thomas Kennedy of Drumurghie by name, and Walter Muir of Cloncaird, a kinsman of his own. to take this opportunity of revenging Barganie's death. The fiery young men were easily induced to undertake the crime. They waylaid the unsuspecting Sir Thomas of Culleyne at the place appointed to meet the traitor Auch-indrane, and the murderers having in company five or six servants well mounted and armed, assaulted and cruelly murdered him with many wounds.
Battle of Cassilis CastleAccordingly, this hot-headed youth, at the instigation of Auchindrane, rode past the gate O' the Earl of Cassilis without waiting on his chief, or sending him any message of civility. This led to mutual defiance, being regarded by the earl, according to the ideas of the time, as a personal insult. Both parties took the field with their followers, at the head of about two hundred and fifty men on each side. The action which ensued was shorter and less bloody than might have been expected. Young Barganie, with the rashness of headlong courage, and Auchindrane, fired by deadly enmity to the house of Cassilis, made a precipitate attack on the earl, whose men were strongly posted and under cover. They were received by a heavy fire. Barganie was slain. Muir of Auchindrane, severely wounded in the thigh, became unable to sit on his horse, and the leaders thus slain or disabled, their party drew off without continuing the action.
This suggested to Muir another diabolical plot. He instigated his brother to meet Sir Thomas at the place appointed and murder him, which they accomplished. Sir Thomas Kennedy of Culzean lay dead, shot several times in the back with pisolets. Capture of Mure of Auchendrane at Castle Kennedy Culzean had promised not to ride with Cassilis but he broke that promise so [Bargany] sent the Laird of Auchendrayne that morning to Castle Kennedy to speak with Culzean about this. When he got there Culzean asked him to take the boat to the island [where the old castle was] which he did, and they spoke for an hour. Cassilis meanwhile had ordered that Auchendrayne should be kept prisoner on the island. Cassilis at length himself came to the garden and accused Auchendrayne and his associates of having designs on his life. Auchendrayne rejected the charge and insisted that the person who had made the accusation to withdraw it, if he was there.
Immediately my Lord was called away to dinner and Auchendrayne's man, on seeing that the boat wasn't being watched, made a sign to his master. Auchendrayne, aware of the danger he was in, took the boat along with [Kennedy of] Ardmillan's brother who was with him and rowing over, leapt on their horses and rode away. They reached Ballantrae where the friends of Bargany were assembled and Auchendrayne told what had happened. The Laird of Bargany was much offended and despatched the Gudeman of Ardmillan and young Carlton [Cathcart] to my Lord Cassilis to ask what he had to say of the affair. The Earl denied that he had ever made such an accusation and when they returned and told Bargany this, Auchendrayne was blamed for inventing the story [Really ??] with a view to aggravating the feud between Cassilis and Bargany. Auchendrayne wrote to the Earl threatening to publish him at the market cross of every town if he denied what he had said to him [farcical !] The Earl returned an evasive answer to the effect that he denied use of the words but saying the same in other words.
The Battle of MinishantMinishant is situated in the Burns Country five miles south of Ayr - a charming, straggling village in the lee of Brown Carrick Hill. It is too small to be marked on many maps and at first sight would appear to have little history. Yet Henrietta and Hugh Douglas have dug deeply into the past to uncover details of the days when this was the granary of the monks of Crossraguel Abbey, when Kennedys and Mures fought fiercely for power and when the ...village became a busy little place with two woollen mills. Their book is a blend of history, legend and detail of everyday life. It introduces many fascinating characters: Johnny Faa the gypsy who loved the Countess of Cassillis, John Loudon Macadam of tarmacadam roads fame, and Sir Rowland Hill who drank tea and ate newly-baked scones straight from the girdle in the kitchen of the village post-mistress. Here too are.
The Drummer, the Provost and the Maister, all characters who helped to make Minishant. Henrietta Douglas has known Minishant for over 70 years and her son, Hugh, was born there. Both retain strong links with the area and their book combines years of research with a lifetime's affection. It will stir memories of Minishanters and lure strangers to take a look at this fascinating and beautiful corner of Ayrshire.
Skirmish/ Battle of the Brig O' DoonBargany, encouraged by Bennane and his sister took to horse and accompanied them along with ten or twenty horsemen riding to Ayr, passing the Bogend, within a quarter mile of Cassilis gate. The Earl saw them and gathered all his retainers and servants and kept them together from Tuesday till Friday, whilst spies watched Bargany in Ayr to inform him when they left town. Bargany was told of the danger but he felt he had his retinue with him and also he held the tithes of the town and therefore felt he could count on the town to provide followers to ride back with him. Contrary to his friends' advice he set out from Ayr on 11th December, a very snowy day such that nobody can see a lance length in front of him.
He had eighty men on horse and on foot. Shortly after leaving town they saw the Cassilis scouts William Cunninghame and Hew Pennandgow at which Auchendrayne counselled Bargany to return, because his followers were not those he could count on and the scouts would not fail to let their master know that he was on his way. And so saying Auchendrayne rode to the Brig O' Doon and first took the two Cassilis scouts. They sent Cunninghame on to Ayr on his word, and took Pennandgow with them as a free friend for he was of the same blood as Auchendrayne. The Laird of Bargany came to the Bridge O' Doon and stayed there, gathered his retinue together and said "Sirs I am here to protest before God, I don't seek the blood of my Lord in any manner but to ride home, if he will let me. And if my Lord does pursue me I hope you will do your duty as befits men; and he that does not want to do this with me can go now." And they all answered "We will die in your defense if he pursues you!" And so they rode forward, dividing into two companies, one with himself and the other with the young Laird of Carlton.
There was with him the Lairds of Auchendrayne, Cloncaird, his brother Thomas, Gilbert Kennedy of Knockdaw, a servant of Auchendrayne's called James Kennedy with two others Edward Irving his page and Thomas McAlexander and some others I need not name. The rest were all with Carlton; so they went to Brochloch near Lady Corse and there was my Lord coming out of Maybole, with his household servants to the number of two hundred men on foot and horse with twenty musketeers, and he reached Lady Corse first. They halted within a musket shot of each other and they began to shout abuse at each other. Patrick Rippeth shouted "Laird of Bennane, Laird of Bennane, it is I Patrick Rippeth who took your hackbut, come down here and if you value your life" but Bennane did not answer even though he had urged Bargany down that way before.
Battle of DineneThe men of Ayr would have begun to shoot at this point but Bargany stayed them saying "I will not try to kill my Lord nor anyone that comes after me." He then moved onward riding down the Bog side of Dinene [variously spelt place a mile north of Maybole] in order to avoid the Earl's forces. But the latter followed on the other side. At the foot of the bog there were turf dykes to which the hagbutters on both sides rode, the one taking the head of them the other the foot. The Earl's men began shooting first. Bargany seeing that his hagbutters were liable to be attacked because they were near the Earl's men, went to them. My Lord's musketeers seeing him come forward shot at him and the horsemen with him.
At the foot of the bog there was a small burn which the Laird and his men had to cross; here Gilbert Kennedy's horse was slain and also the Laird's brother Thomas's bridle was shot in two so that he was thrown and his shoulder was put out of joint. None crossed the stream save Bargany, the Auchendraynes and Cloncaird, James Bannatyne [a crucial figure at the end of this affair] and Edward Irving. For some reason the Laird was not supported by his cavalry – and it cannot have been due to lack of willingness to fight on the part of the men of Ayr. The group who had crossed the stream came under fire from the Earl's musketeers then were charged by the Earl's cavalry led by Captain Forster or Forrester. They resisted despite the uneven odds and combat continued for a spell.
On the Earl's side young Laird [McIlwaine] Grimat was struck through the chin and he and his horse struck in the ear. Row Cunningham, Pochquhairn's brother was struck in the knee with a lance and out at the buttock. Captain Foster's horse was injured by swords and his pistolet struck out of his hand. His steel helmet protected his head from many blows with a sword. Richard Spense, Master of my Lord's household was slain by Cloncaird. On the Laird's side the Laird himself was slain, Auchendrayne shot and injured in the thigh and his horse also, James Bannatyne's horse was slain, Edward Irving the page was slain by the stroke of a lance and John McAlexander was hurt with a bullet in the thigh.
But now to speak of the noble youth, how gallantly he behaved, my pen cannot express it for against the five there were thirty horsemen who all engaged in the fight. When there was only himself left to fight, Bargany rode hard at the Earl shouting "Where is my Lord himself? Let him now break his promise to me!" The horsemen around Cassilis immediately assailed Bargany, especially Hew Kennedy of Garryhorne and Patrick Rippeth and Quentin Craufurd of Sillyhoil the younger, Garryhorne broke a lance on the Laird and the others struck at him with swords and so forced him to retire.
Then a fellow named John Dick who had been favoured by Bargany before and had never suffered an injury at his hand, threw a lance at him and it went through his head and his throat as he was fighting. The lance broke in him and stuck in his throat, preventing him from breathing. Quentin Craufurd struck him in the face with his sword now that he could not defend himself, however his horse being a very good gelding carried him back to his men where he fell dead being unable to breathe.
By this time a number of Bargany's followers seeing the superior force at the Earl's command and their wounded leaders had left the field. Those remaining took him up and pulling the lance from his throat carried him on horseback in their retreat. Some of Auchendrayne's people took him to Dineme [also styled Dinene or Dinehame, a mile north of Maybole] a quarter of a mile away where he sent his men away saying that they could not defend him and he did not want them to be killed too. A boy remained to tend him.
Shortly afterwards the Earl came to the barn where he lay and would have killed him there and then, but his men counselled him that Bargany would die anyway, or if not Cassilis should have him executed in a legal fashion – for the Earl was the Judge for the whole area. He was kept in Maybole for 24 hours then sent to Ayr where he showed concern for the safety of his friends. Cassilis appealed to the King in Edinburgh for a commission to try Bargany and his retainers. [It is odd that the Earl allowed Bargany to live and cause yet further complications, it seems the Earl was a stupid man.]
Skirmish of Newark HillNow the Master sought revenge. He came to Newark Hill with sixteen horsemen, in order to catch Auchendrayne between his houses but by chance Lady Auchendrayne was passing with a servant and she saw them and sent her man servant to warn her husband. He asked for assistance from his friends in Ayr and when they appeared the Master was outnumbered and had to retire in shame. Skirmish at Auchendrayne's house- Clan Mure victory raid of Inch Now to avenge of this act Walter Mure of Cloncaird and Thomas Wallas the page raided the Earl's Estate of Inch in Galloway and there in the house of Mathew Miller set upon David Girvan, son and heir of John Girvan of Calliboliston and slew him, he being my Lord Cassilis' Master of Works for his new house at Auchins. My Lord was highly offended at this and pursued them with renewed vigour. Skirmish at the Foullveir In the month of October 1607 Auchendrayne, his son and a servant were coming from Ayr to Auchendrayne and at a place before the town called the Foullveir [Foul Vennel] they saw Kennedy of Garriehorne one of the attackers of Bargany.
With him were his two brother sons and Gilbert Fergusson of Dunduff, Thomas Fergusson, brother to the Gudeman of Threff and Gilbert McHareine with one Walter McCaw. Upon meeting they shot pistols at each other then took up swords at which the Young Laird of Auchendrayne was hurt on the middle finger with a sword. But the Provost and his men were able to separate them though they could not be reconciled.
Ambush of Sir Thomas KennedyMure of Cloncaird lay waiting for Sir Thomas among the sandhills of St. Leonard's chapel; the four assassins attacked Sir Thomas and slay him with bullets; they took Sir Thomas's purse, ring, sundrie diamonds with his golden buttons.
The Battle of Bloody BurnThe Battle of Bloody Burn were met by the sheriff's men who barred their passage and a muse ensured in which spears and swords thrusted were so freely exchanged that the brook is figuratively asserted to have run red and that day got the name Bloody Burn which has clung to it ever since. Sir David Kennedy called up numerous clansmen from Carrick. The Sheriff was supported by his kinsmen, the lairds of Loch Invar, other and few Mures including Patrick Mure, who delighted in a tuilzie seem to have acted the part of aides decamp. The campaign was opened by Sir David Kennedy riding after formal announcement in force from the house of Inch to Leswalt. The house of Leswalt lay about two miles from Lochnaw at the foot of Aldouran Glen and no sooner had Sir David come in sight of it by the way of St. John chapel, then the sheriff's forces began to appeared descending from the so-called Danish camp in superior force and warned him off.
The conduct of the sheriff on this occasion seems to have been unimpeachable. Backed by numbers, able to enforce his rights he made, a dignified protest and retired. Such a peaceful ending to the day's work seemed to tame the wilder spirits such as the Mures who after seeing the sheriff safely housed; doubled back at full speed, overtook the kennedys and had a glorious tussle in which he had the best of it, and returned in triumph with the spoils of war.
The Battle of Brockloch Burn The Earl of Cassillis had no great difficulty in a remission from the Crown for the slaughter of the Laird. Some of those who had accompanied among them Blairquhan, younger Kennedy, Girvanmains Hew, Thomas Kennedy of Bennan, and Walter Mure of Cloncaird had been rebels at the encounter by the Brockloch burn and the had been endowed with power to pursue them with and swords. On this ground he was formally relieved the consequences of the combat.
Other battlesIn 1602 William then a boy at Ayr School was kidnapped by the Mures kept away from home for several years and made to change his name. This was to prevent him giving evidence as to the slaughter of Sir Thomas Kennedy having returned he was murdered on Girvan sands and his body thrown into the sea. The wee folk allowed the fort to be built beside the river Doon, a grim square tower with walls nearly 16 feet thick in places to resist Campbells, Mures or other marauders from the Kyle side of the debated border.
If the Cassisslis Kennedys were turbulent, they were well matched by their neighbours on the other side of the Polnatibber burn, the Mures of Auchendrane. Auchendrane looked northwards spiritually towards Kyle, but their house stood on the Carrick side of the river... Doon, giving them a toehold in the Kennedy kingdom which added edge to the feud between the two families.Soon the Mures, a branch of the Rowallan family, took hold of Auchendrane, and for two centuries Mures and Kennedys faced one another across the Polnatibber burn. Monklands, lying between the two great houses, was at times as hotly contested as any part of the Anglo-Scottish Border.
James Muir of Achendraine in 1590s, married the daughter of Kennedy of Culzean was to bring peace between the Mures of Achendraine and Clan Kennedy of Culzean., and as well bring peace within clan Kennedy.
Clan CrawfordDate: 1476?
Result: Close Victory of Clan Muir: both houses were almost destroyed.
The Raid on Barbieston
result : Clan Mure of Cloncaird and Kennedys victory: Raid was successful.
Sir Adam Mure, the son of John Mure, probably of Cowdams, who succeeded the John Mure just mentioned, is described by Clan Crawford " a gallant stout man, having many feuds with his neighbours, which were managed with great fierceness and much bloodshed." Raid on Barbieston As night was falling, a September night of the year 1530, there was a gathering of the troopers of Carrick in the court-yard of Cloncaird. Sixty Men and more came riding in. Some of these from Doonside, some from the Girvan's banks: not common yoemen and men-atarms, who rode at the beck and call of their chiefs, but nearly all scions of powerful houses.
Blairquhan sent its contingent of Kennedys; so, too, did Bargany, and Cassillis, and Guiltree, and when the raiders assembled at Cloncaird, there was a fair representation of every branch of the great family of Carrick. The power of the Kennedys was unbroken over the whole of Ayrshire, from the Doon to the confines of the shire. Their castles sat upon the rising grounds of the woody vale of Stinchar, they graced the haughs of the Girvan, their walls were washed by the murmuring stream which separated Kyle from the free lances of the bailiary, they were found in the thickest of the woodland, in the shelter of the rocks, on the sea-grit coast. At any time, and at all times, a raid upon their hereditary foes was an attraction.
The Craufurds, who kept the frontier, were as ready to reciprocate; and often in the nights of the fall, when the moon shone bright, rival bands crossed from one side of the Doon to the other to sweep the beeves from the lea and drive the sheep from the pen on the hill side. These cattle-lifting raids were periodical. Many a stout conflict they engendered, and many a man went down before the onslaught of the raiders or under the keen blades of the defenders. Retaliation was always in the air. It only needed the word to be passed to bring the horsemen together ; and so, when the message sped from Cloncaird that a raid was forthcoming on the herds and flocks of green Barbieston Glen, the houses and the castles of Carrick sent forth their representatives to shave in the excitement. The Laird of Cloncaird, Patrick Mure, was connected by marriage with the Kennedys.
He followed the fortunes of the Earl of Cassillis. It was at his instigation the raid was promoted, and it was in response to his summons that the Kennedys assembled. From Cloncaird to the southerly bank of the Doon was not a long ride, and it was not until the moon had risen that the raiders set out on their expedition. The villagers of Kirkmichael heard their horse hoofs as they passed. Well they knew their meaning. Such sounds were familiar to thern, and they only shrugged their shoulders as they thought that some of the raiders might return no more to tell the tale of the night's adventure. A nearer way might have been chosen, but Cloneaird intended to keep his own side of the Doon as long as he could; and so he followed the highway until he entered the shades of Cassillis. They are quiet enough to-day, these shades.
The Doon maintains its ceaseless babble, carrying its story onwards as it flows, and rythmically running as if its waters had never borne a secret on their breast. And yet, were the divinities of the river to speak in comprehensible tones, what a tale they could tell ! In that square old peel that sits so placidly there, dwelt a succession of men who held Carrick in a grip of iron. They are all lying peacefully in the churchyard at Maybole; but from the day when the laird of grey Dunure crossed from the coast and wedded the mistress of Cassillis, down through three long centuries, the men who dwelt within the walls of that historic house made a whole country-side subservient to them. By the force of indomitable will they became the recognized chiefs of all southern Ayrshire and of a great part of Galloway, and by the strength of their arms and the valour of their bearing they relentlessly crushed out all opposition to their iron rule. The memories clustered thick around the castle and the branches of the great planes nodded their knowledge of many a wild and lawless deed, even when Cloncaird and his followers rode beneath the shadow of the keep and beneath the branches of the trees.
It was a familiar echo that the walls gave back as the raiders passed, holding on their way towards the Kirk of Dalrymple and the river ford close by. The night was still. Not a breath of wind stirred the foliage of the Dalrymple forest. Overhead sailed the moon, bringing out in relief the dense arborial mass, the flat top of the Downans, the interlacing streak of the river, the sleeping hamlets, and the distant hills along the coast and inland. Hitherto the route had been through a friendly country but when the Doon was crossed at the ford and the riders were upon the territory of the Craufurds, there was need for extreme caution.
Kerse was a watchful, wary fox. Not once or twice had his followers awaited on the verge of the river the coming of the Kennedys, and driven them back into the stream ere their struggling, horses could obtain a footing on the yielding banks ; and even when the passage of the river had been accomplished, the horsemen of Kyle had been found awaiting the arrival of the cattle lifters under the dark shadow of the woodland. When the Craufurds were not out in force, a solitary watchman had been discovered by the clattering of his horse as he rode away across the country towards Kerse, to tell that the Carrick raiders were abroad and to summon the lads of Kyle to the contest.
There was need, therefore, for caution, and at the same time for speed. The horses broke into a canter, and across the country they carried their riders towards the glen of Barbieston. The landscape was thickly studded with belts of trees, which cast friendly shadows over the troop. The night was still, and nothing stirred save the sheep on the hillsides and the cattle on the grass. If sounds were heard, they were those of nature, animate and inanimate, the lowing of the kine, the bleating of the flocks, the call of the lapwing, the screeching of the owl, the gentle sighing of the wind in the trees, and the distant rush of the river.
On hurried the riders. Well they knew their way. Oft had they ridden across these same fields. Oft harried them of their bovine wealth. It was not a long ride to Barbieston Glen, and they reached it unobserved. Unobserved? Not quite. The sharp eyes of a solitary watchman had seen them ere they entered the river; and ere they had reached the northern bank of the ford, he was speeding with all the haste he could muster towards Kerse. His steed was fleet, the distance could be accomplished in half an hour, and the miles were rapidly slipping away under the striding gallop of the horse.
The warder at Kerse heard him come and threw open the gate to receive him. There was commotion in the castle when he told his tale ; the commotion of excitement, a hasty girding on of swords, of donning of light armour, of snatching the ready hagbuts from their places, of the harnessing of horses in the stalls, of the calling in of the yeomen who lived at hand, of the mustering to repulse the Kennedys and the Mures. It was an old story, and the Craufurds knew every detail of it by heart. Meanwhile the Kennedys and the Mures had entered the glen, and their horsemen were scouring the fields adjacent, for the spoil. Six score oxen fed there, and twelve horses were at the grass in the meadows. Two or three score of sheep completed the number of the live stock.
The moon showed where they were, and there was no searching for them; yet it took time ere they were all collected. For it had to be done quietly. The cattle were gathered together in a group, the horses were secured, and the sheep. Every attempt to break away, or to stampede, was checked by the ready riders. The gates were thrown open, the prey was driven out into the open, unenclosed country, and the raiders moved off towards the river." Me thinks," said Mure of Cloncaird, is they turned their faces to the Doon, "that Kerse has slept over-soundly." "Aye," responded Kennedy of Guiltree, "the old fox has been caught napping for once."
With what speed they could muster, they steadily drove the spoil in front of them. Within an hour they would cross the march of Kyle and re-enter Carrick, and then farewell to the hope of rescue. For Cassillis House was just over there amid the gloom of the trees, and from the rising ground they could all but espy its dark square towers, against the night. An hour! If so, what need to haste? The night was still serene, and sound traveled far; and from the direction in which the Castle of Kerse stood there fell on their ears an indistinct, undefined noise. Guiltree looked at Cloncaird, and they both reined in their horses and listened.
The sound was faint, for it was far off, but, as they listened, it gradually shaped itself into what they could quite well comprehend. It came down more clearly, and more clearly still, until they recognized the rattle of a troop of horsemen across the rough stony road which led from Dalrymple to the hills above Cumnock. There was no need for caution now, and no time to be lost. It could be no other than the Craufurds, hard on their track.
"Drive on the cattle, and reach the ford" shouted Mure of Cloncaird. The Kennedys and the Mures obeyed. The horsemen spread themselves out fan-like in rear of the booty, whips were applied to the Hanks of the steers, the frightened sheep were driven at a run, and the captive horses required no urging on to hurry from the tumult which rose behind. All the while the sound of the coming Craufurds became more and more distinct. They were making for the ford, and if the Kennedys were to drive off the prey they must reach it before their pursuers. The most strenuous efforts were made, therefore, to accomplish their object; but, unless their expedition was to be bootless, there was a point beyond which they could not force their pace. They could have left the cattle, but as well might they have remained at home.
To give them up without a struggle was not one of the contingencies. What they must do was to send a party forward with the booty, and to retain in the rear the service of all who were not thus employed. This they did. About a dozen yeomen were accordingly instructed to drive the, flocks on towards the Doon, and to make the passage with all available speed; the remainder took up their position on the path as it ran through between two belts of trees, and there awaited the inevitable conflict. The Craufurds came full sixty strong, and thus had rather the advantage in numbers.
There was nothing to delay or to stay their progress save the living barrier of Kennedys and Mures under the peaceful shadow of the woodland, and this barrier they must force at all hazards, unless they were to return to Kerse to tell the grey-haired chief whom they had left behind them that they had failed in their object, As the Kennedys and Mures saw them enter between the stretching plantations, they raised a shout of defiance. The Craufurds gave it back, and rode on ready for the shock. Each man held sword or battle-axe in hand, and all were eager for the fray.
The quiet night air, which so shortly before was vocal only with the congenial voices of Nature, was filled with contending cries. These were but the prelude to the rushing of the yeomen, the rattling of steel upon steel, the, prancing of the horses, and the groans of the wounded. Right stoutly did the Kennedys and Mures oppose the men of Kyle. They met them man to man and hand to hand stubbornly, tenaciously contesting every inch of ground. Saddles were emptied of their riders, wounded horses fled across the country, wounded men crept under the shelter of the plantations. But thee Craufurds pressed on and would not be denied. All down the path resounded the echoes of the fray, until the clashing of the armour and the cries of the struggling horsemen awoke, the sleepers in Dalrymple hamlet, and bade them wonder and cower because of the strange, wild medley of the sounds.
The fight was now a running one. Yonder, not two-hundred yards ahead, were the advance guard of the Kennedys, driving on with whip and yell the affrighted flocks. The ford was within sight. The nearer the Craufurds drew, the more desperate were the Kennedys and Mures to stay their progress. Who would reach the ford first? Already some of the oxen had stampeded, and solved the question so far as they were concerned, but the larger portion of the drove was still under control, and might yet be secured. The haughs of Cassillis were but over there, could they be won ere the men of Kerse should intervene and get between the cattle and the river. The banks of the Doon were reached, and there the affray was decided.
Craufurds, Kennedys, and Mures were mingled in struggling confusion, fighting on the haughs by the stream, and in the river's bed the oxen, bewildered, terrified, ran hither and thither in their fright, plunging into the cooling waters, or scattering in all directions across the country. Part of the booty was secured, part was not, and the echoes of the struggle died away in the silence of the night. By common consent the combatants drew off, arid attended to their wounded. There were some who needed no attention.
The battle-axe or the sharp sword-thrust had for ever put them beyond the need for further care. But many there were with cruel wounds, and these were sought out all along the long line of the contest; the flowing blood was staunched, and they were put upon the backs of the horses and taken, the Kennedys across the Doon to where Cassillis opened its portals to receive them; the Craufurds back by the way over which they had come, to the friendly walls of Kerse.
When the dead had been interred and the wounded healed, Kerse lodged information with the criminal authorities against those concerned in the raid of Barbieston. Kennedy of Guiltree, Kennedy of Blairquhan, Mure of Cloncaird, and fifty-seven others, were accordingly brought to book for their misdemeanour. They were sent from the Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh for trial to Ayr, where the leaders became surety for one another, and bound themselves to settle all lawful claims made by the Craufurds for the loss of the cattle lifted. As for the men slain, these were not scheduled in the indictment; and as for the, wounds inflicted, these were a necessity of the situation, a natural outcome of the struggle which went on between the lords of Kyle and of Carrick. The number of cattle, of sheep, and of horses was duly paraded before the Judge, and the Kennedys had to pay accordingly.
John was succeeded by his eldest son Sir Adam Mure of Caldwell who as Crawfurd says " he was a gallant stout man having many feuds with his neighbours which were managed with a great fierceness and much bloodshed.These other clans were Clan Pollock, Cochrane, Blair, Erskine, Mckenna, Torrance, Marjoribanks n probably Hamilton.
Crawfordlandes- From this statement appears that Sir William Mure also held a portion of the estates known as Crawfurdland in the parish of Kilmarnock. The Mansion house ( Crawford's Castle/ House) on his ( Sir William Mure of Rowallan) portion of the property which stands on the submmit of a steep bank. The estate and castle are now in the hands of Clan Crawford. " An historical account of the Macdonnells of Antrim by George Hill.
Clan Maxwell of PollockDate: 1499- 1516 Result: Clan Muir Victor
With the Maxwells of Pollok and the Mure of Caldwell they had a long standing feud apparently about the lands of Glanderstone (The battle of Gladerstone). Hector, his second son, was killed in a feud at Renfrew, in 1499, by John and Hugh Maxwell, eldest son and brother of the Laird of Nether Pollok, with which family the Mures had a longstanding quarrel. How it arose does not seem to be exactly. No other infomation about this feud. This forefather Adam knighted by James IV as a preux chevalier and Cid Campeador is described by flattering annalists as a gallant stout man having many feuds with his neighbours which were managed with great fierceness and much bloodshed. Hector Mwyr son of this worthy sire was killed in 1499 by the Maxwells of Pollok whose laird narrowly escaped the vendetta of Caledonia and the wild justice of Hector's brother.
Clan Houston of that IlkDate: April 11, 1550- December 7, 1580
Robert Mure, one of the Laird’s sons, was killed by Sir Patrick Houstoun of that ilk and others. The records of the Justiciary Court4 describe the act as " a crewall slauchter, committed under silence of night, on ancient feud and forthocht felony." Two months later, Archibald Houstoun, the actual perpetrator of the crime, was tried and beheaded. This, however, was not considered a sufficient atonement for the deed, and the feud between the two families was not settled for thirty years.
By a written agreement, dated December 7, 1580, between Sir Robert Muir, then of Caldwell, and the same Sir Patrick Houstoun, the amount of compensation due by Sir Patrick for his share in the matter was referred to the arbitration of eight of the leading men in the counties of Ayr and Renfrew.
Clan RalstonDate: Janurary 24,1500-?
A remission under the Privy Seal was granted to Robert, son of Adam Mure of Caldwell, for the slaughter of the late Patrick Boure and for "forthocht felony " done upon the Laird of Ralston. No other infomation about this feud
Clan Raeburn/ RyeburnDate: September 20, 1570
Sir John Mure, whom James V. knighted, was killed, September 20, 1570, by the Cunninghams of Aitkett and the Ryeburns of that ilk,6 who were also amongst those who slew his kinsman, Hugh, third of Eglinton, April 18, 1586.
John Ryeburn in 1571 was killed in revenge by Sir John Mure's eldest son, Robert Mure who had become " Laird of Caldwell" on the death of his father. Obligation by Hugh, third Earl of Eglinton, to assist the Earl of Glencairn in the pursuit and punishment of the laird of Caldwell amongest others, concerned in the slaughter of John Ryeburn in May 1571. To no avail, as Sir Robert Mure was still the laird of Caldwell when he died in 1617. He was on terms of great intimacy and confidence with James VI of Scotland, who knighted him.
Clan Reid of KittochsideLocation: Kittochside Results: Clan Mure of Caldwell having successful Raids against Reid, until possiblity that the king intervein, in which Reid keep the lands of Kittochside with an additional money.
Two Raids were made by the Mure of Caldwell The Raids by Mure of Caldwell, 1597-1600 It's not clear if James Reid of Wester Kittochside (floruit 1600-41) was present in Kittochside on 21 June 1600 when Robert Mure of Caldwell, with a company of 100 men, armed with lances, spears, swords and other "feirfull wapponis", came looking to murder his father but his father would afterwards complain to the King and the Lords of the Privy Mure of Caldwell, with a company of 100 men, armed with lances, spears, swords and other "feirfull wapponis", came looking to murder his father but Council that the Laird of Caldwell did: "brak up his duris and kistis, and the kistis of his sones and dochteris, Johnne, James, and Beatrix Reidis".
He also complained about the loss of property including: "ane chalder of meill and ane chalder of seid aittis" belonging to his sons John and James: "with thair claithis and pursis, quhairin wes ane hundredth pundis or thairby" [David Masson, LL.D., The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland (H. M. Register House, Edinburgh, 1884), First Series, volume vi, A.D. 1599-1604, pages 118-119].
On 11 June 1597 a small raiding party, led by James Mure of Caldwell, younger, broke down the doors of John Reid's house in Kittochside and terrorized his wife and children by brandishing swords and discharging firearms inside the house.They also set three fires inside the house, and threatened to burn the house down with the family still inside, if they would not say where John was hiding.
Clan Semple/ SempillDate: May 27 1549-1581?
Towards the close of the year 1526. he and his son, Robert Master of Semple, and their friends, invaded and besieged John Mure of Caldwell in " feire of weire with bowis, speiris, gunnys and uthir waponis " at the Place of Caldwell ( Siege/ Battle of Caldwell Castle). The Mure of caldwell fought and routed clan Semple. No other info found.
Clan BoydDate: (beginning of the feud?) July 9 1422 - September 14, 1589
Result: Clan Mure of Rowallan Victory: Lord Boyd paid John Mure of Rowallan 350 merks for the slaughter of his father. " Notwithstanding the friendship that had long existed between the Mures of Rowallen and the Boyd family of which various instances have been already recorded a deadly feud occurred about this time between them It seems to have arisen out of the slaughter of Sir Robert Colville of Ochiltree (battle of craignaught hill) maternal grandfather to the fourth Lord Boyd in which the Mures were concerned." Thomas maister boyd James boyd of Kipiiis Alexr baillio of Kilmaruok James slos Asloss of yt ilk Ros in bordland Jhenno erawfuird in Wellstoun their accomplices to the number of sixteen all boidin feir of weir wt Jackis speirs secrcitis steil bonnctis lang eulweringis duggis and pistolottis beset John in the Well near the kirk of Prestwick on his way riding alone from Ayr He was assailed and slain on spot Mure of Rowallane as the chief of the deceased Lord Boyd for satisfaction. Ambush near Kirk of Prestwick- Boyd's Victory in the Killing of John Mure.
Clan Muir's other feuds
Clans Mure, Home, Heatleys, Cunninghams, Montgomeries, Ogilvies and Turnbulls were all at feuds with one another.
Clan Moir/ More feuds with Clan Ross.The Moirs and Mores were involved in a feud against clan Ross; in which these highland Mores, and Moirs sided with the Mackays. June 28, 1550 raided clan Ross. Neill M. Moir, Rory, Moir, Murdoch Mcane More, two John More(s), Tormat More and Donald Dow More were charged for the cruel slaughter of Alexander Ross, Mcillemychell, tormat Macalexander and five other Ross of Balnagovvne.
Clan Mure of Wigtown and Clan MacCulloch of Ardwell feudClan MacCulloch slaughter Patrick Mure, and in response Mure of Cloncaird attacked clan MacCulloch.
Clan Mure, Gordon against Clan Maclellan, and Clan Dunbar feud:The Maclellans were allies with Clan Dunbar which had a blood feud with Clan Gordon, in which the Mures of Wigtown where allies with. Patrick Maclellan and two other clansmen were declare rebels for killing of Robert Mure; in turned push the Mures to fight against Clan Maclellan and band together with the Gordons.
Clan Muir and Clan Barclay of TowiePatrick Barclay, and his clansmen with swords drawn, charge at William Mure. William Mure was hit by a sword in the back and then shot by a pistol. Clan Muir in return, revenage their fallen clansman.
Clan Muir and Clan Mowat of BusbieA party of clansmen and a brother of Rowallan went to Stewarton and has provoked a contest with John Mowatt of Busbie and his clansmen.The Judge hears the evidence, which is conclusive of the strife having, taken place, and imposes a fine; and the laird of Rowallan and Arnot of Lochrig having offered themselves in security for its payment, Boyde and his followers are let go. But another of the same party and a brother of Rowallan is waiting. He too has been in arms, on his own account, in the same, town of Stewarton, and has provoked a contest with John Mowatt, the laird of Busby, and with a certain Andrew Stevenston, and for him also the laird of Rowallan is accepted as surety for the payment of five pounds Scots, a sum regarded as sufficient to meet the ends and the claims of justice.
Clan Muir of Skaithmuir and Clan Elphinestone feud:George Elphinestone and his clansmen attack Thomas Muir.
Clan Muir and Clan Mackay feud:Clan Mackay in Wigtown was attacked by Patrick Mure and his clansmen. Clan Mackay attack a small vessal of Andrew Mure and stole Clan Muir goods, and they killed John Mure, his son and four other clansmen and wounded Andrew Mure.
Clan Muir and Clan Blair of that IlkOn May 21, James Mure with the Mures of Caldwell went with pistols drawn, fired upon Clan Blair of that Ilk.
Clan Muir of Caldwell and Clan Erskine feud:John was succeeded by his eldest son Sir Adam Mure of Caldwell who as Crawfurd says " he was a gallant stout man having many feuds with his neighbours which were managed with a great fierceness and much bloodshed." The question is who were these clans that were Neighbours in which we fought against?These other clans may have been Clan Pollock, Cochrane, Blair, Erskine, Mckenna, Torrance, Marjoribanks n probably Hamilton.
Clan Muir of Caldwell and Clan Torrance feud:John was succeeded by his eldest son Sir Adam Mure of Caldwell who as Crawfurd says " he was a gallant stout man having many feuds with his neighbours which were managed with a great fierceness and much bloodshed." The question is who were these clans that were Neighbours in which we fought against?These other clans may have been Clan Pollock, Cochrane, Blair, Erskine, Mckenna, Torrance, Marjoribanks n probably Hamilton.
Clan Moar of Orkney and Clan Sinclair of Caithness feud:The Moars of Orkney had joinned with the Sinclairs of Orkney during the Sinclair uprising. The Moars fought at the battle of Summerdale.
Mure of Anystoun and Clan Hope of Craighall feudMure of Auchindrane against Clans Campbell of Lochfergus, Kirkwood, and Wilson feud
Clan More lead by Kenneth More and Clan Gunn feud
Clan More of Meilde and Clan Macdonald of Sleat and Clanranald feud
The Trublesome MuresDuring the reign of the Stewarts; there was much choas in Scotland. In these times of truble justice always finds a way to punish those who comminted murder and feuds between clans. The following are clansmen of clan Muir who committed murder, stealing and other troubles.
July 28, 1528- Alexander Kennedy of Bagany, Huge his son, John Mure of Auchindrane and others which comes to the total of seventy five including the heads of the chief branches of the kennedies were dilated for the sluaghter of Robert Campbell in Lochfergus, Alexander Kirkwod and Patrick Wilson.
Patrick Mure previously mentioned as a free lance, open to engagements with every faction was summoned within a limited peroid on a variety of charges which we quote as a curiosity.
For forcibly occupying the lands of Andrew Dunbar in Mochrum.
Spulzying the annual rent of lands belonging to the laird of Bomby.
Contempt done to the king in taking one called Lang Mackie out of the stocks wherein he had been placed by the sheriff depute for hurting a Spainard.
For heirischip of five oxen from John Mclean.
Breaking up the doors of Mr Richard Aikenhead Vicar of Wigtown and keeping him futher there of and with Thomas Mure and Nicholas Mure his servants, casting the Vicar's servant over his own stair.
For forethought felony done to Symon M Chrystine sheriff depute in Wigtown by chasing him with a drawn quhinzear.
Stealing a young gray horse from Andrew Boyd.
For carrying off ten bolls of victual and twenty four threaves of fodder.
Stouthrief of five score sheep from Andrew Dunbar in Derry of Mochrum.
Theft from James Poter of ten score bolls of wheat.
Robbery of goods from Andrew Mure.
Forcible occupation of the laird of Bomby's farm near Wigtown for two years.
There were also others which includes John Muir of Caldwell, and Arch Muir brother to Caldwell for hurting and wounding the tutor of Pollock. There was a complaint by Sir David Livingstoun of Donypace against Alexander Mure of Skaithmure. A complaint by Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall against John Mure of Anystoun.
John Moir, husband to Elspet Reid who was killed in the defence of his house at the walk mill of Balvenie, the 13th of October 1660. Tradition says gives Moir the reputation of having been a wealthy man and of being killed while barricading his door against an attack from the Highland caterans.
Mores help Clan Leslie with the feuds against Clan Ruthven and Clan Moncreiffe.
The Moirs help Clan Gordon with their feuds against Clan Lindsay, Clan Douglas, Clan Forbes, Clan Munro, clan Fraser, clan Mackenzie, Clan Macintosh, Clan Cameron, Clan Macneil, Clan Hay, Clan Keith, Clan Sutherland, Clan Sinclair, Clan Campbell, Clan Murray, Clan Stewart, Clan Macgillivray, Clan Maclean, Clan Grant, Clan Chattan, Clan Leask, and Clan Crichton.
Raid of Dumfries
Walter Mure of Cloncaird and Robert Mure of Knokmarloch was involved in a raid on Dumfries and was punish and fined in 1600.
The raid of Luader
Alexander Muir of Skaithrauir ( possible skaithmuir) and John Muir of Nesbet with their clansmen were involved in this raid.
Muir of Gladismuir was probably the victim of a raid on Gladismuir by the Quuen's army.
Raid of Linlithgow:
Sir John Muir was involved in a raid on Linlithgow.
Raid of Brechin:
Involved Capt. James Muir
Raid of Cowbog:
Reverend Thomas Moir and clansmen on September 3,1616 were involved in the raid of Cowbog.
Other raids conducted by the Muirs were Raids of Stirling, Scone, Cunninghamhead, Ruthven, The Great raid of 1322, The Raid of Barbieston, and the Whiggamore raid.